Gender Equality

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  • Gender Equality

     Carolina updated 2 years, 6 months ago 11 Members · 12 Posts
  • Katarzyna

    February 6, 2022 at 3:20 pm

    Hello Everyone,

    I’d like to share with you the link to Emma Watson’s speech on gender equality 🙍‍♀️🙎‍♂️that she delivered as a UN Women Goodwill Ambassador on 20th September 2014.


    After watching the video🎞, share your opinion📣 🗨📢please and try to answer the following questions:

    1. What is your opinion about her speech? Is her message still up-to-date?

    2. Do you agree with the statement ”but sadly, I can say that there is no one country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights” why/why not?

  • Ana-Bella

    February 9, 2022 at 11:55 am

    Gender equality is when people of all genders have equal rights, opportunities and responsibilities. It is a fundamental human right. It affects women, men, trans and gender diverse people.
    Despite the world progress in so many other directions, women and girls around the world do not fully experience gender equality. Women receive unequal pay for equal work, while at the same time they are expected to act up to their socially prescribed roles – taking care of the children, cooking, cleaning, being emotional and voiceless. Additionally, women are still targets of sexual and physical abuse.
    To this day women around the world have fewer opportunities than men, less access to education, less political representation and higher health and safety risks.

    It is important for people to understand that gender inequality is not a women’s issue because it affects both women and men. The problem is rooted in the relationship between men and women and it won’t be fixed until both sides change their attitudes and social norms, to ensure both are equal and dignified.

  • T.

    February 9, 2022 at 11:56 am

    I don’t want to blow the bubble, but gender INequality is something that is inherent in nature. But that’s in regard to specific activities, not the right to live, work and enjoy. If we look at the animal kingdom we will see that for many species, female individuals take care of the newborns, while the male is engaged in hunting (of course that is not an absolute rule – e.g. the lion prides). Maybe that’s the outsource for phrases like: “women belong in the kitchen”. We are obligated to admit, there are many activities in which women exceed men, as there are activities, in which men outdo women. But not once there was an exception. (Some people say the best cooks in the world are males; the best pilots – women). Of course, this life observation doesn’t discriminate any gender. It only points out to a specific truth, which is in fact my thesis: biological differences mark the distinction between genders – that stretches out to some degree over the strengths (of mind, of character) to every male and female, too. However, every individual can become good at what he does (if he strives hard), and everyone deserves at least a chance to try something they find enjoyable.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 10 months ago by  T..
  • Valentina

    March 8, 2022 at 8:45 am

    Today is the International Women`s Day! I think there are some things in our lives that can be changed. First of all, the boys and gurls should be educated equally at homework and at school. Young women should have more ambitions. As for myself, I should pay more attention to my appearance!

  • Камелия

    March 8, 2022 at 8:46 am

    Today is the International Women`s Day! I think there are some things I should change in myself. Тhe first thing I want to do is start working. And I have to let my son be independant more often.

  • Diana

    March 8, 2022 at 8:46 am

    Today is the International Women’s Day! I think there are some things in our society and personal lives that can be changed. First of all, young girls should be encouraged to learn more science subjects. They should visit the same sports clubs as boys. Next, Universities should offer more flexible options for women, who have kids. Finally, our government should encourage employers to offer flexible work time for mothers.

    As for myself, I should celebrate my achievements and not undervalue them.

  • Nikoleta

    March 8, 2022 at 8:47 am

    Today is the International Women’s Day!

    I think there are some things in my society and personal lives that can be changed. First, I have to allocate my time better, don‘t have to hurry. Second, I have to devote more time to myself. I want to be like before and risk more.

    I can do it!

  • Stefani

    March 8, 2022 at 8:47 am

    Today is the International Women’s Day!

    In my opinion, the pay gap is not as evident these days as it was years ago. Today boys and girls study what they want and develop in whichever area they want. I believe employers should change their requirements and attitude towards new recruitment in general. Regardless of your gender, there is always a certain experience you need to have a side of your degree and ability. We can all do better!

  • Ивелина

    March 8, 2022 at 8:55 am

    <pre data-placeholder=”Превод”>Today is International Women’s Day. I think that equality between women and men must be ensured not only before the law, but also in everyday life, in economic and social life. Mothers of three or four children must have the same opportunities for employment and career development as men. Discrimination in the workplace and in society must go down in history. As far as I am concerned, I think I need to be more confident in my actions and organize my time.<pre data-placeholder=”Превод”>I wish all the ladies present in the European Parliament every day to be theirs, so that they never feel discriminated against.

  • Jose Ignacio

    April 4, 2022 at 11:54 am

    Good morning to all.

    1. What is your opinion about his speech? Is your message still up to date?

    I think Emma Watson is absolutely right. We still have a long way to go to achieve an egalitarian society. Likewise, in reference to the issue of defending gender equality, it is true that there is a misconception of the meaning of “Feminism”. There are some psychology professionals who relate this inadequate conception to the “generalization” phenomenon, through which an idea is extrapolated with the false belief that “everyone thinks that way”.

    2. Do you agree with the statement “but unfortunately I can say that there is not a single country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights” why/why not?

    As I have mentioned, I believe we still have a long way to go until we achieve full equality. Since, our society has a sociocultural baggage and it is an aspect of great complexity.

    However, each person can add our “grain of sand” and change through small changes.

    Greetings, Jose Ignacio Zarandona.

  • Carolina

    May 24, 2022 at 1:03 pm

    Queridos todos,

    El discurso de Emma Watson sigue siendo de actualidad. La palabra feminismo sigue causando rechazo y los hombres que se posicionan como feministas son tildados de débiles. Como mujeres VIRAGO tenemos que hacer labor educativa y dar a conocer que la palabra feminismo no implica superioridad de las mujeres sobre los hombres, sino igualdad de derechos y oportunidades entre mujeres y hombres. La persona que se considera feminista no ataca los derechos de los hombres, trabaja hacia la posición de que algún día los derechos de las mujeres estarán al mismo nivel que los de los hombres.

    El feminismo no solo beneficia a las mujeres, también beneficia a los hombres. Los hombres durante siglos han perdido la oportunidad de ocupar el espacio del “cuidado”. Un espacio relegado a la mujer, por el solo hecho de ser mujer sin permitir que el hombre se haga cargo de la educación de sus hijos e hijas o del cuidado de sus mayores. Todos los valores y gratificaciones que aporta ser cuidador, han sido vetados a los hombres durante años. Por eso es tan importante el punto que también trata el discurso de Emma Watson, trabajando en la igualdad con los hombres. Los discursos feministas deben ser escuchados por los hombres y hacerlos partícipes del cambio. No podemos trabajar por la igualdad de género si la mitad de la población no escucha el mensaje. VIRAGO trabaja por el empoderamiento de las mujeres jóvenes y con las mujeres jóvenes. Formación, debates, investigación, etc… con mujeres. Necesitamos otro proyecto europeo en el que los hombres jóvenes puedan participar de una manera más equitativa en materia de género.

    Estoy de acuerdo con la afirmación “Lamentablemente puedo decir que no hay un solo país en el mundo donde todas las mujeres puedan esperar recibir estos derechos”. Incluso en los países más modernos y occidentalizados, donde se han logrado los derechos sociales más avanzados, existe una igualdad real, que no es lo mismo que la igualdad legal. Los micromachismos están presentes en nuestra sociedad y hacen que los roles y estereotipos de género sigan estando presentes en nuestras vidas, limitando la libertad de acción de niños y niñas, siguiendo los patrones sociales asignados por el hecho de nacer hombre o mujer.

    Eduquemos en igualdad y los cambios se reflejarán en las generaciones futuras. Luchemos para que los niños y las niñas crezcan en un entorno igualitario. Educar en igualdad y lograremos una sociedad en igualdad.

  • Carolina

    May 25, 2022 at 11:25 am

    Dear all,

    Emma Watson’s speech is still topical. The word feminism continues to cause rejection and men who position themselves as feminists are branded as weak. As VIRAGO women we have to do educational work and make it known that the word feminism does not imply superiority of women over men, but rather equal rights and opportunities between women and men. The person who considers himself a feminist does not attack the rights of men, he works towards the position that one day the rights of women will be on the same level as those of men.

    Feminism not only benefits women, it also benefits men. Men for centuries have lost the opportunity to occupy the space of “care”. A space relegated to women, for the sole fact of being a woman without allowing the man to take charge of the education of his sons and daughters or the care of his elders. All the values ​​and rewards that being a caregiver brings have been vetoed to men for years. That is why the point that Emma Watson’s speech also deals with, working on equality with men, is so important. Feminist discourses must be heard by men and make them part of the change.

    We cannot work for gender equality if half of the population does not hear the message. VIRAGO works for the empowerment of young women and with young women. Training, debates, research, etc… with women. We need another European project in which young men can participate in a more gender-equitable way.

    I agree with the statement “I can sadly say that there is not a single country in the world where all women can expect to receive these rights”. Even in the most modern and westernized countries, where the most advanced social rights have been achieved, there is real equality, which is not the same as legal equality. Micromachisms are present in our society and make gender roles and stereotypes continue to be present in our lives, limiting the freedom of action of boys and girls, following the social patterns assigned by the fact of being born a man or a woman.

    Let’s educate in equality and the changes will be reflected in future generations. Let’s fight for boys and girls to grow up in an equal environment. Educate in equality and we will achieve a society in equality.

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