Why is it worth taking part in Erasmus+ programme?

On the 13th,14th, and 15th of October, we are celebrating Erasmus+ Days. It is the best opportunity to present the advantages of taking part in projects within the Erasmus+ programme!

Erasmus + offers a great variety of different projects and initiatives. While talking about Erasmus+ projects in the youth sector the most popular types of projects are youth exchanges and mobilities of youth workers.

Youth exchanges take place outside the school environment. On a youth exchange, you can expect to participate in activities such as workshops, exercises, debates, role-plays, outdoor activities, and more. They last between 5 and 21 days. This excludes traveling time. Youth exchanges are open to people between the ages of 13 and 30. To be a group leader in a youth exchange, you must be at least 18 years old.

Mobilities of youth workers this action supports the professional development of youth workers and thereby the development of quality youth work at local, regional, national, European, and international levels, through non-formal and informal learning experiences in mobility activities.

Of course there are more types of projects like: Erasmus+ Sport, capacity building in the field of youth, European Youth Together, strategic partnerships in the field of youth, internships, European Solidarity Corps, etc.  When it comes to the topics of those projects there is a great variety of them, for example: ecology, entrepreneurship, gender equality, women rights, critical thinking, digital tools, active citizenship, healthy lifestyle and many more!

Why is it worth to take part in the projects implemented via Erasmus+ programme? 

-> You have the chance to meet new people, broaden your horizons, and establish new friendships

-> You will be able to discover new cultures, become more aware of cultural identity and intercultural aspects

-> Taking part in Erasmus+ projects is a great opportunity to improve your language skills!

-> Traveling to different destinations, getting to know new places

-> You are learning how to improve your self-confidence and you discover what would you like to do in the future

-> Participation in the Erasmus+ projects fosters your personal development

-> You can discover new job opportunities after Erasmus+

-> Having unforgettable memories

To sum up, participation in any Erasmus+ project is an unforgettable experience, but before it happens, there is hard work of whole NGOs teams and project partners to prepare the project proposal, submit it, then implement and at the end provide the report. That’s why, here the big applause for all those people who work really hard in order to make you Erasmus+ experience  come true!!



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  1. -meeting people around the world
    -challenging your beliefs and breaking the limiting ones
    – sharing spaces and time with new people
    – Broaden our horizons through new experiences

  2. I love being part of these projects as it allows me to change the perception of people about my country Pakistan and specially clarify the position of girls in Pakistan and it also gives me a lot of ideas what I can do for women empowerment In Pakistan; Moreover I love being around so many open minded people; it acts like a validation for me that people are ready to accept hijabis
    love Izza

  3. To discover new methods of education, learning by ourselfs, being part of the process of learning, listen new different points of view (not only the teacher ones…)

  4. Meeting new people
    Seeing new places/country’s
    Learning about other cultures and respecting and understanding others and diversity

  5. It is a great experience to get in contact with new cultures in a foreign country, this way you can broaden your own perspective. You get contact with not only participants from the whole world but also with locals! At the same time you also educate yourself and you can use this knowledge for in the future.

  6. – You get out of your comfort zone
    – You discover yourself and your social skills
    – Meet new people from different backgrounds and another cultures

  7. – gain more knowledge about different cultures around the world
    – interact with new people every time
    – experience non formal education and learn about a variety of topics

  8. -learning new cultures and information about topic
    -making new friends
    – extend my perspective
    -improvement soft skills
    – learning different worldview
    – learning english

  9. It is a great opportunity to get out of your comfort zone by meeting new people from all around the world. Also, you can improve your social skills and your knowledge of general topics.
    love Elisabeth.

  10. Joining the erasmus+ project will provide you with much new knowledge about different cultures. It creates the opportunity to meet many new people whom you will socialize with. This projects broadens your horizon by exploring places we have never been and we gain more understanding by seeing different kind of perspective on certain subjects, norms, values and habits. It allows us to explore each other and bond together while learning from one another. We discuss modern global issues and improve our skills along this journey.